<aside> <img src="/icons/carrot_orange.svg" alt="/icons/carrot_orange.svg" width="40px" />
Welcome to Kakarot Brand & Media page
Please follow these guidelines when promoting Kakarot in marketing communications, including advertising, articles, websites, and printed promotions.
Brand ™️
Media 📣
To be used on a darker background
To be used on any color that is not orange
To be used on a lighter background
White Argile
Primary Color
rgba(0, 61, 41, 1)
Pine Green
Primary Color
rgba(0, 61, 41, 1)
Lime Green Secondary Color
rgba(13, 171, 13, 1)
Carrot Orange Secondary Color
rgba(255, 117, 0, 1)
If you need to introduce Kakarot to people, feel free to use this boilerplate.